
Lyn (aka Jazz)
Dec 15, 20214 min read
Stopover Adventures: 12 Hours in Amsterdam
updated: February 2023 The ideal stopover is a major airline hub that permits passengers to disembark and leave the airport; has an...

Lyn (aka Jazz)
Dec 13, 20218 min read
Travel Planning 103: My Favourite Travel Apps
I like technology. I've always had cool devices and gadgets. I have all sorts of smart lights and appliances in my home. Over the years,...

Dec 10, 20214 min read
Flashback Friday: The Delicious Dozen: A traveller's guide to eating well in Greece
Several years ago, ATB#1 Mady and I started a short-lived blog for friends and family while we were travelling around Greece. We would...

Lyn (aka Jazz)
Dec 8, 20216 min read
Top Ten Travel Destinations for People Watching
updated March 2023 One of my all-time favourite activities is people-watching. People-watchers can be young or old, athletic or...

Lyn (aka Jazz)
Dec 6, 20214 min read
Travel Planning 102: ... Where should I go? Making the decision
Where should I go?" This is the hardest decision for me because I want to go everywhere that I've already been (except Pula, phuck Pula)...

Lyn (aka Jazz)
Dec 1, 20215 min read
Travel Planning 101: Research for the Budget Traveller
Updated: December 2022 Many (many) years ago, pre-Internet, the average person would never consider booking our travel. Few would have...

Lyn (aka Jazz)
Nov 29, 20213 min read
50 Travel Lessons I've Learned
Travel is a learning experience. Many of these lessons were learned the hard way

Nov 26, 20212 min read
Flashback Friday: The Colossus, the boot, and the bracelets
Several years ago, ATB#1 Mady and I started a short-lived blog for friends and family while we were travelling around Greece and Italy....